马寅初社会学讲座 第11讲

Different while being similar: The dual institutional process and differential organizational status

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讲 座 信 息

主题:Different while being similar: The dual institutional process and differential organizational status

时间:2023年12月29日(周四)9:00 – 10:30

地点:Zoom会议(会议号:  854 604 74561  会议密码:  317345)

摘要:Connecting the neoinstitutional theory with Bourdieu's field theory, we develop a framework on the dual institutional process of integration and differentiation in a field. While the neoinstitutional theory has focused on similar organizational structures, we shift the research focus to offer an institutional explanation of differential organizational status. Drawing insights from Bourdieu's theory and key concepts, we highlight that the very institutional mechanisms causing isomorphism—regulative forces, normative pressures, and cognitive processes—also generate systematic status differentiation among organizations via their different levels of capital, homologous structures, and various habitus in a field. Our extended framework has theoretical significance in advancing the neoinstitutional theory, the research of status in organizational and economic sociology, and the Bourdieusian perspective. By theorizing status differentiation among organizations, it also adds an important dimension to enrich our understanding of multilevel status and social hierarchies.


Zhao Wei is a Professor of Sociology at University of California, Riverside. Dr. Zhao obtained his Ph.D. from Duke Sociology. He has broad interests, including organizational sociology, economic sociology, social inequality, and Chinese society.  He is conducting research on the social construction of firefighters' professional identity and technologies.  His recent work has examined social inequality in multiple dimensions during China’s market transition.  Other projects have investigated organizational practices and changes through China’s market transition and globalization processes.  Drawing empirical evidence from the California and French wine industries, he has also conducted a series of studies on how institutional systems affect market status and product valuation.  His publications have appeared in prominent journals in sociology and management.

